- Hits: 14215
Fungi of the Rodopi Mountain Range National Park (RMRNP) |
No |
1 |
Agaricus arvensis |
Horse Mushroom |
Edible, exceptional |
2 |
Agaricus campestris |
Common Field Mushroom |
Edible, exceptional |
3 |
Agaricus macrosporus |
No widely used specific common name |
4 |
Agaricus sylvaticus |
Sun Mushroom |
Edible, delicious |
5 |
Agaricus silvicola |
Forest Mushroom |
Edible, delicious |
6 |
Albatrellus subrubescens |
No widely used specific common name |
Edible in early stages |
7 |
Aleuria aurantia |
Orange Peel Fungus |
Edible |
8 |
Amanita citrina |
False Death Cap |
Edible, but of little value because of the intense odour and unpleasant taste. Better to be avoided |
9 |
Amanita muscaria |
Fly Agaric, Fly Amanita |
Poisonous |
10 |
Amanita pantherina |
Panther Cap |
Poisonous, can cause even death |
11 |
Amanita phalloides |
Death Cap |
Deadly poisonous |
12 |
Amanita rubescens |
European Blusher |
Edible, exceptional only after well-cooking. Doesn’t get dry. If eaten raw can cause poisoning |
13 |
Amanita vittadinii |
Vittadini'sLepidella |
14 |
Amanitopsis vaginata |
Grisette |
Edible, delicious but better to be avoided cause of the big resemblance with other edible Amanita species |
15 |
Antrodia serialis |
Effused Tramete |
Not edible |
16 |
Antrodia sinuosa |
No widely used specific common name |
17 |
Apiognomonia errabunda |
Oak Anthracnose |
18 |
Arcyria incarnata |
Carnival Candy Slime Mould |
Not edible |
19 |
Arcyria nutans |
No widely used specific common name |
20 |
Armillaria mellea |
Honey Fungus |
Edible, can be eaten after well cooking, but first one must throw away the water |
21 |
Armillaria ostoyae |
Dark Honey Fungus |
22 |
Armillaria tabescens |
The Ringless Honey Fungus |
23 |
Ascocoryne sarcoides |
Purple Jellydisc, Jelly Drops |
Not edible |
24 |
Ascodichaena rugosa |
No widely used specific common name |
25 |
Auricularia auricula-judae |
Jew's Ear, Jelly Ear |
Edible, exceptional |
26 |
Biscogniauxia nummularia |
Beech Tarcrust |
Plant pathogen |
27 |
Bisporella citrina |
Yellow Fairy Cups |
Not edible |
28 |
Bjerkandera adusta |
Smoky Bracket |
Not edible |
29 |
Boletus aereus |
Queen Bolete |
Edible, exceptional |
30 |
Boletus chrysenteron |
Red-cracked Bolete |
Edible, but gets pulpy after it’s cooking |
31 |
Boletus edulis |
Penny Bun, Porcini, Cep |
Edible, exceptional |
32 |
Boletus luridus var. luridus |
Lurid Bolete |
33 |
Boletus pinicola |
Pine Bolete |
Edible, exceptional |
34 |
Bovista nigrescens |
Brown Puffball |
35 |
Bovista plumbea |
Grey Puffball |
36 |
Calocera cornea |
Finger jelly |
Not edible |
37 |
Calocera viscosa |
Yellow Stagshorn |
Not edible |
38 |
Cantharellus cibarius |
Chanterelle, Yellow Chanterelle |
Edible, exceptional |
39 |
Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa var. fruticulosa |
Coral slime |
Not edible |
40 |
Ceriporiopsis mucida |
No widely used specific common name |
41 |
Chlorophyllum agaricoides |
Puffball Agaric |
42 |
Chroogomphus rutilus |
Brown Slimecap, Copper Spike |
Edible, but not recommended |
43 |
Clavariadelphus ligula |
Strap Coral |
Not edible |
44 |
Clavariadelphus pistillaris |
Large-clubbed Clavaria |
Edible, but not tasteful |
45 |
Clavariadelphus truncatus |
Club Coral |
Edible |
46 |
Clavulina coralloides |
White Coral Fungus, Crested Coral Fungus |
47 |
Clavulina rugosa |
Wrinkled Coral Fungus |
Not edible |
48 |
Climacocystis borealis |
No widely used specific common name |
Not edible |
49 |
Clitocybe fragrans |
Fragrant Funnel |
50 |
Clitocybe nebularis |
Clouded Funnel |
Edible, when cooked but better to be avoided |
51 |
Clitocybe odora |
Aniseed Funnel |
Edible |
52 |
Coccomyces coronatus |
No widely used specific common name |
53 |
Collybia tuberosa |
Lentil Shanklet, Appleseed Coincap |
54 |
Coltricia perennis |
Tiger's Eye |
55 |
Coniophora puteana |
"Cellar" Fungus |
56 |
Conocybe pubescens |
No widely used specific common name |
57 |
Coprinus comatus |
Shaggy Ink Cap, Lawyer's Wig, or Shaggy Mane |
Edible, especially when the gills are still white. Must be consumed immediately after collection (exceptional in omelets). |
58 |
Coprinus micaceus |
Mica Cap, Glistening Inky Cap |
Edible |
59 |
Cortinarius alboviolaceus |
Silvery-Violet Cortinarius |
60 |
Cortinarius anomalus |
Variable Webcap |
61 |
Cortinarius cinnamomeus |
Cinnamon Webcap |
Not edible |
62 |
Cortinarius malicorius |
No widely used specific common name |
63 |
Cortinarius polymorphus |
No widely used specific common name |
64 |
Cortinarius purpurascens |
Bruising Webcap |
Edible, but not recommended |
65 |
Cortinarius semisanguineus |
Surprise Webcap, Red-gilled Cortinarius |
Unknown edibility |
66 |
Cortinarius subtortus |
No widely used specific common name |
67 |
Cortinarius vibratilis |
No widely used specific common name |
68 |
Craterellus cornucopioides |
Black Chanterelle, Black Trumpet, or Horn of Plenty |
Edible, exceptional |
69 |
Craterellus lutescens |
Yellow Foot |
70 |
Craterellus tubaeformis |
Yellowfoot, Winter Mushroom, or Funnel Chanterelle |
71 |
Crepidotus variabilis |
Variable Oysterling |
Not edible |
72 |
Crucibulum laeve |
Common Bird's Nest Fungus, White-egg Bird's Nest |
Not edible |
73 |
Cystolepiota adulterina |
No widely used specific common name |
Unknown edibility |
74 |
Daedalea quercina |
Oak mazegill, Maze-gill Fungus |
75 |
Daedaleopsis confragosa |
Thin Walled Maze Polypore, Thin-Maze Flat Polypore |
76 |
Daedaleopsis tricolor |
Blushing Bracket |
77 |
Dasyscyphella nivea |
No widely used specific common name |
78 |
Diatrype disciformis |
Beech Barkspot |
Not edible |
79 |
Diatrype stigma |
Common Tarcrust |
80 |
Discina ancilis |
No widely used specific common name |
81 |
Durandiella gallica |
No widely used specific common name |
82 |
Elaphocordyceps ophioglossoide |
Snaketongue Truffleclub |
83 |
Elaphomyces muricatus |
Deer Truffle |
84 |
Flammulaster carpophilus var. carpophilus |
No widely used specific common name |
85 |
Fomes fomentarius |
Hoof Fungus, Tinder Bracket |
Not edible |
86 |
Fomitopsis pinicola |
Red-belted Bracket |
Not edible |
87 |
Fuligo septica var. septica |
Scrambled-egg Slime |
Not edible |
88 |
Ganoderma applanatum |
Artist's Bracket |
Not edible |
89 |
Ganoderma carnosum |
No widely used specific common name |
90 |
Geastrum fimbriatum |
Sessile Earthstar |
Not edible |
91 |
Gloeophyllum odoratum |
Anise Mazegill |
92 |
Gloeophyllum sepiarium |
Conifer Mazegill |
Not edible |
93 |
Gloeophyllum trabeum |
Timber Mazegill |
94 |
Gomphidius glutinosus |
Slimy Spike |
Edible, but first must be rinsed out of the slimy substance |
95 |
Gymnopilus penetrans |
Common Rustgill |
Not edible |
96 |
Gymnopus fusipes |
Spindle Toughshank |
97 |
Gymnosporangium sabinae |
Pear Rust, European Pear Rust, or Pear Trellis Rust |
98 |
Gyromitra esculenta |
False Morel |
Deadly poisonous |
99 |
Gyromitra infula |
Pouched False Morel |
Edible but not recommended |
100 |
Hapalopilus croceus |
Tender Nesting Polypore |
101 |
Helvella lacunosa |
Elfin Saddle |
Edible, but a little bit indigestible |
102 |
Hericium clathroides |
Fungus Icicles (New Zealand) |
103 |
Hericium coralloides |
Coral Tooth, Comb Tooth, or Coral Spine Fungus |
Edible, exceptional if cooked |
104 |
Heterobasidion annosum |
Root Rot |
Not edible |
105 |
Hydnellum concrescens |
Zoned Tooth |
106 |
Hydnellum scrobiculatum |
Ridged Tooth |
Not edible |
107 |
Hydnum repandum |
Wood Hedgehog |
Edible, tasteful |
108 |
Hydnum rufescens |
Terracotta Hedgehog |
Edible |
109 |
Hygrocybe ceracea |
Butter Waxcap |
110 |
Hygrocybe psittacina var. psittacina |
Parrot Waxcap |
111 |
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca |
False Chanterelle |
Edible, but not recommended |
112 |
Hygrophorus agathosmus |
Almond Woodwax |
113 |
Hygrophorus chrysodon |
Gold Flecked Woodwax |
Edible, but not recommended |
114 |
Hygrophorus eburneus |
Ivory Woodwax |
Edible but not tasteful |
115 |
Hypholoma capnoides |
Conifer Tuft |
116 |
Hypholoma fasciculare var. fasciculare |
Sulphur Tuft |
Not edible – Possibly poisonous |
117 |
Hypholoma lateritium |
Brick Tuft |
118 |
Hypoxylon fragiforme |
Beech Woodwart |
Not edible |
119 |
Hypsizygus tessulatus |
Elm oyster |
Edible, but rather hard |
120 |
Hypsizygus ulmarius |
Elm Leech |
121 |
Inocybe geophylla var. geophylla |
White Fibrecap |
Poisonous |
122 |
Ischnoderma benzoinum |
Benzoin Bracket |
123 |
Ischnoderma resinosum |
Late Fall Polypore, Resinous Polypore |
Not edible |
124 |
Kuehneromyces mutabilis |
Sheathed Woodtuft |
Edible, exceptional in soups |
125 |
Laccaria amethystina |
Amethyst Deceiver |
Edible, tasteful |
126 |
Laccaria bicolor |
Bicoloured Deceiver |
127 |
Laccaria fraterna |
No widely used specific common name |
128 |
Laccaria laccata |
Deceiver |
Edible, tasteful |
129 |
Laccaria tortilis |
Twisted Deceiver |
Edible, but of little value |
130 |
Lachnellula subtilissima |
Conifer Disco |
Not edible |
131 |
Lacrymaria lacrymabunda |
Weeping Widow |
132 |
Lactarius aurantiacus |
Orange Milkcap |
133 |
Lactarius blennius |
Beech Milkcap |
Not edible because of its spicy taste |
134 |
Lactarius deliciosus |
Saffron Milkcap |
Edible |
135 |
Lactarius deterrimus |
False Saffron Milkcap |
Edible |
136 |
Lactarius musteus |
Pine Milkcap |
137 |
Lactarius piperatus |
Peppery Milkcap |
Edible, but not recommended |
138 |
Lactarius pubescens |
Bearded Milkcap |
Poisonous |
139 |
Lactarius quietus |
Oakbug Milkcap |
Edible, but not recommended |
140 |
Lactarius rufus |
Rufous Milkcap |
Not edible |
141 |
Lactarius subdulcis |
Mild Milkcap |
142 |
Lactarius torminosus |
Woolly Milkcap |
143 |
Leccinum duriusculum |
Slate Bolete |
144 |
Leccinum versipelle |
Orange Birch Bolete |
145 |
Lenzites betulina |
Birch Mazegill |
Not edible |
146 |
Lepiota clypeolaria |
Shield Dapperling |
Poisonous |
147 |
Lepiota oreadiformis |
No widely used specific common name |
148 |
Lepista nuda |
Wood Blewit |
Edible, exceptional when cooked, but slightly poisonous when eaten raw |
149 |
Leratiomyces squamosus var. squamosus |
No widely used specific common name |
150 |
Leucocortinarius bulbiger |
White Webcap |
151 |
Leucopaxillus giganteus |
Giant Funnel |
Edible |
152 |
Lirula nervisequa var. nervisequa |
No widely used specific common name |
153 |
Lophodermium piceae |
Spruce Needle Cast |
Plant Pathogen |
154 |
Lycogala epidendrum |
Wolf's Milk, Groening's Slime |
Not edible |
155 |
Lycoperdon echinatum |
Spiny Puffball |
Not edible |
156 |
Lycoperdon excipuliforme |
Pestle Puffball |
Edible in early stages when flesh is white and robust |
157 |
Lycoperdon mammiforme |
Flaky Puffball |
158 |
Lycoperdon molle |
Soft Puffball |
159 |
Lycoperdon nigrescens |
Dusky Puffball |
160 |
Lycoperdon perlatum |
Common Puffball |
Edible in early stages |
161 |
Lycoperdon pyriforme |
Stump Puffball |
Edible in early stages |
162 |
Lycoperdon utriforme |
Mosaic Puffball |
163 |
Lyophyllum connatum |
White Domecap |
Unknown edibility |
164 |
Lyophyllum decastes |
Clustered Domecap |
Edible, exceptional |
165 |
Macrolepiota excoriata |
Frayed Parasol Mushroom |
166 |
Macrolepiota mastoidea |
Slender Parasol Mushroom |
Edible, exceptional |
167 |
Macrolepiota procera var. procera |
Parasol Mushroom |
Edible, exceptional |
168 |
Marasmiellus ramealis |
Twig Parachute |
Not edible |
169 |
Marasmius alliaceus |
Garlic Parachut |
Not edible, even though in the past it was used often as spice |
170 |
Marasmius androsaceus |
Horsehair Parachute |
Not edible |
171 |
Marasmius oreades |
Fairy Ring Champignon |
Edible, exceptional when fresh |
172 |
Marasmius rotula |
Collared Parachute |
Not edible |
173 |
Mycena alcalina |
Stump Fairy Helmet |
Edible |
174 |
Mycena arcangeliana |
Angel's Bonnet |
175 |
Mycena capillaripes |
Pinkedge Bonnet |
176 |
Mycena crocata |
Saffrondrop Bonnet |
Edible |
177 |
Mycena epipterygia |
Yellowleg Bonnet |
Edible |
178 |
Mycena galericulata |
Common Bonnet |
Edible |
179 |
Mycena galopus var. galopus |
Milking Bonnet |
Edible |
180 |
Mycena haematopus |
Burgundydrop Bonnet |
Edible |
181 |
Mycena inclinata |
Clustered Bonnet |
Not edible |
182 |
Mycena maculata |
Reddish-Spotted Mycena |
183 |
Mycena pearsoniana |
No widely used specific common name |
184 |
Mycena polygramma |
Grooved Bonnet |
Not edible |
185 |
Mycena pura |
Lilac Bonnet |
Poisonous |
186 |
Mycena rosea |
Rosy Bonnet |
Poisonous |
187 |
Mycena rosella |
Pink Bonnet |
188 |
Mycetinis scorodonius |
No widely used specific common name |
189 |
Neobulgaria pura var. pura |
Beech Jellydisc |
Not edible |
190 |
Neomarssoniella juglandis |
No widely used specific common name |
Plant Pathogen |
191 |
Onnia tomentosa |
Woolly velvet polypore |
Not edible |
192 |
Otidea onotica |
Hare's Ear |
193 |
Oudemansiella mucida |
Porcelain Fungus |
Edible, must be rinsed out of the slimy substance. Not recommended |
194 |
Panellus mitis |
Elastic Oysterling |
Not edible |
195 |
Panellus stipticus |
Bitter Oysterling |
Not edible |
196 |
Paxina acetabulum |
Vinegar Cup , Cabbage Leaf |
Poisonous, must be cooked for a long time |
197 |
Peniophora quercina |
No widely used specific common name |
Not edible |
198 |
Peridermium pini |
Resin-top Disease of Scots Pine |
Plant Pathogen |
199 |
Peziza micropus |
No widely used specific common name |
Not edible |
200 |
Peziza repanda |
Palamino Cup |
201 |
Phaeolus schweinitzii |
Dyer's Mazegill |
Not edible |
202 |
Phallus impudicus var. impudicus |
Stinkhorn |
Edible only in the early stages when fragrant. Is considered aphrodisiac |
203 |
Phellinus badius |
No widely used specific common name |
204 |
Phellinus igniarius |
Willow Bracket |
Not edible |
205 |
Phellinus tuberculosus |
Bracket Fungus |
Not edible |
206 |
Phlebia merismoides |
Wrinkled Crust |
Not edible |
207 |
Pholiota adiposa |
Fat Pholiota |
Not edible |
208 |
Pholiota elegans |
No widely used specific common name |
209 |
Pholiota flammans |
Flaming Scalycap |
Edible, but not recommended |
210 |
Pholiota squarrosa |
Shaggy Scalycap |
Edible but with caution because there have been recorded some cases of indigestion and stomach upsets |
211 |
Piptoporus betulinus |
Birch Polypore, Razorstrop Fungus |
Not edible |
212 |
Pleurotus eryngii var. eryngii |
King Oyster |
213 |
Pleurotus ostreatus |
Oyster Mushroom |
214 |
Pluteus cervinus |
Deer Shield |
Edible, only in early stages |
215 |
Pluteus petasatus |
No widely used specific common name |
216 |
Polyporus brumalis |
Winter Polypore |
Edible, but not recommended |
217 |
Polyporus ciliatus |
Fringed Polypore |
218 |
Polyporus melanopus |
No widely used specific common name |
219 |
Polyporus squamosus |
Dryad's Saddle |
Edible, only in early stages and especially tasteful in soups |
220 |
Polyporus tuberaster |
Tuberous Polypore |
221 |
Polyporus varius |
Elegant polypore |
Not edible |
222 |
Postia stiptica |
Bitter Bracket |
223 |
Psathyrella bipellis |
No widely used specific common name |
224 |
Psathyrella candolleana |
Pale Brittlestem |
Edible |
225 |
Psathyrella piluliformis |
Common Stump Brittlestem |
226 |
Psathyrella squamosa |
No widely used specific common name |
Unknown edibility |
227 |
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum |
Jelly Tooth |
Not edible |
228 |
Pseudotrametes gibbosa |
Lumpy Bracket |
Not edible |
229 |
Pycnoporus cinnabarinus |
Cinnabar Bracket |
Not edible |
230 |
Ramaria abietina |
Green-staining Coral |
Not edible |
231 |
Ramaria aurea |
Golden Coral, Golden clavaria |
Not edible |
232 |
Ramaria botrytis |
Rosso Coral |
Edible, exceptional |
233 |
Ramaria fennica var. fennica |
Bitter Coral |
234 |
Ramaria flava |
Changle |
Edible even though it can have a purgative action in some people.Better to be avoided |
235 |
Ramaria lutea |
No widely used specific common name |
236 |
Ramaria stricta |
Upright Coral |
237 |
Reticularia lycoperdon |
Slime Mould |
Not edible |
238 |
Rhytisma acerinum |
Sycamore Tarspot |
239 |
Rigidoporus sanguinolentus |
No widely used specific common name |
240 |
Russula acetolens |
Vinegar Brittlegill |
241 |
Russula albonigra |
No widely used specific common name |
242 |
Russula delica |
Milk White Brittlegill |
Edible |
243 |
Russula densifolia |
Crowded Brittlegill |
244 |
Russula foetens |
Stinking Brittlegill |
Not edible |
245 |
Russula gracillima |
Slender Brittlegill |
246 |
Russula heterophylla |
Greasy Green Brittlegill |
Edible |
247 |
Russula mustelina |
Russet Brittlegill |
248 |
Russula ochroleuca |
Ochre Brittlegill |
Edible, but of little value because of the spicy taste |
249 |
Russula viscida |
Viscid Brittlegill |
250 |
Sarcodon imbricatus |
Shingled Hedgehog, Scaly Hedgehog |
Edible |
251 |
Sarcodon scabrosus |
Bitter Tooth |
252 |
Sarcomyxa serotina |
Olive Oysterling |
253 |
Schizopora paradoxa |
Split Porecrust |
Not edible |
254 |
Scleroderma bovista |
Potato Earthball |
Not edible |
255 |
Scutellinia scutellata |
Common Eyelash |
Not edible |
256 |
Skeletocutis sp. |
No widely used specific common name |
257 |
Spathularia flavida |
Yellow Fan |
258 |
Steccherinum fimbriatum |
No widely used specific common name |
259 |
Steccherinum ochraceum |
Ochre Spreading Tooth |
Not edible |
260 |
Stemonitis axifera |
Chocolate Tube Slime |
Not edible |
261 |
Stereum hirsutum |
Hairy Curtain Crust |
Not edible |
262 |
Stereum zonarium |
No widely used specific common name |
263 |
Stropharia aeruginosa |
Verdigris Roundhead |
Edible, after the slimy cap skin is removed. Some consider it poisonous. Better to be avoided |
264 |
Stropharia semiglobata |
Dung Roundhead |
Not edible |
265 |
Stropharia squamosa |
No widely used specific common name |
Poisonous |
266 |
Suillus bovinus |
Bovine Bolete |
Edible, tasteful |
267 |
Suillus collinitus |
No widely used specific common name |
268 |
Suillus granulatus |
Weeping Bolete |
269 |
Suillus luteus |
Slippery Jack |
Edible, and rather tasteful after the slimy cap skin is removed |
270 |
Suillus variegatus |
Velvet Bolete |
Edible |
271 |
Tapinella atrotomentosa |
Velvet Rollrim |
272 |
Thelephora terrestris |
Earthfan |
Not edible |
273 |
Thyriopsis halepensis |
No widely used specific common name |
274 |
Trametes hirsuta |
Hairy Bracket |
275 |
Trametes multicolor |
White-Rot Fungus |
276 |
Trametes pubescens |
Pale Turkeytail |
277 |
Trametes suaveolens |
Fragrant Bracket |
278 |
Trametes velutina |
No widely used specific common name |
279 |
Trametes versicolor (syn. Coriolus versicolor) |
Turkeytail |
Not edible |
280 |
Trichaptum abietinum |
Purplepore Bracket |
281 |
Trichia favoginea |
No widely used specific common name |
282 |
Tricholoma argyraceum |
No widely used specific common name |
Edible |
283 |
Tricholoma aurantium |
Orange Knight |
Not edible |
284 |
Tricholoma persicinum |
No widely used specific common name |
285 |
Tricholoma saponaceum |
Soapy Knight |
Edible, but of little value because of the intense odour |
286 |
Tricholoma sulphureum |
Sulphur Knight |
287 |
Tricholoma ustale |
Burnt Knight |
288 |
Tricholoma vaccinum |
Scaly Knight |
Not edible |
289 |
Tricholoma virgatum |
Ashen Knight |
290 |
Tricholomopsis decora |
Prunes and Custard |
291 |
Tricholomopsis rutilans |
Plums and Custard |
Edible, but not recommended. |
292 |
Tryblidiopsis picea |
No widely used specific common name |
293 |
Tuber aestivum |
Summer Truffle |
Edible |
294 |
Tuber excavatum |
No widely used specific common name |
295 |
Tyromyces caesius |
No widely used specific common name |
Not edible |
296 |
Vascellum pratense |
Meadow Puffball |
Edible when fruitbodies white and immature |
297 |
Vibrissea truncorum |
No widely used specific common name |
Not edible |
298 |
Xerocomus chrysenteron |
Red Cracking Bolete |
299 |
Xerocomus moravicus |
Tawny Bolete |
Edible, but pulpy after cooking |
300 |
Xerocomus subtomentosus |
Suede Bolete |
Edible |
301 |
Xeromphalina campanella |
PInewood Gingertail |
Not edible |
302 |
Xerula pudens |
No widely used specific common name |
303 |
Xerula radicata |
Rooting Shank |
304 |
Xylaria hypoxylon |
Candlesnuff Fungus |
Not edible |