What We Do Now
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Concisely our main activities are the following:
- Protection of the RMRNP from illegal activities or activities which degrade its ecosystem
- Raising the public awareness about the protected areas, the monitoring of wild animals and habitats which are under the threat of extinction
- Assessment and supervision of the application of the institutional framework of protection
Management plan
The management plan of the RMRNP according to the “Development Guidelines of Management plans of Protected Areas” (Hellenic Ministry for the Environment Physical Planning & Public works – Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre) includes:
- Inventory and assessment of the current status of the natural and anthropogenic environment of the RMRNP.
- The formulation of the goals of the management plan of the RMRNP.
- To set the directions and the priorities of the implementation of the projects and the measures which are required, in order to have effective protection and management of the protected areas.
Furthermore the Management Plan includes the preparation of the following studies:
- An assessment and management study about the touristic carrying capacity in relation with the goals of the Management plan
- Feasibility study of viability of the Management Body of the Rodopi Mountain Range National Park (MBRMRNP)
- Grazing study of the protected area, as the main occupation of the population who are dwelling in the RMRNP is livestock farming
- Study for the fishing capacity of the area in order to be an assessment of the current status of the area and of the carrying capacity of it. This study will
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Monitoring of flora, fauna and habitat types
The MBRMRNP is in implementation progress of monitoring of the conservation status of flora fauna and habitats within the RMRNP in order Greece to comply with the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC and submit the six-year report as it is required by the directive for the period 2007-2012.
In addition the personnel of the MBRMRNP is implementing the following monitorings:
Inventory and monitoring of rare and threatened flora species
Inventory and location of rare and threatened flora species, according to The Red Data Book of Greece (2009). Also there will be a study of the ecological status of their habitats, an estimation of negative effects and proposals for a sustainable management and protection. Most of these species are endemic to the Rodopi Mountain Range and they can be found within the RMRNP in subpopulations. The existence of these species is threatened mainly by anthropogenic activities which take place into the RMRNP and change their habitat. The awareness of the stakeholders is crucial in order to avoid no necessary catastrophic effects on these rare subpopulations.
No |
Flora species of the RMRNP mentioned in The Red Data Book of Greece (2009) |
1. | Ajuga pyramidalis L.,Labiatae | Vulnerable (VU) |
2. | Anthemis macedonica subsp. orbelica (Pancic) Oberpr. & Greuter, Compositae | Vulnerable(VU) |
3. | Arabis procurrens Waldst. & Kit., Cruciferae | Near Threatened (NT) |
4. | Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soό, Orchidaceae | Vulnerable(VU) |
5. | Dactylorhiza macedonica (J. Holz. & Kunkele), Orchidaceae | Vulnerable(VU) |
6. | Drosera rotundifolia L., Droseraceae | Endangered (EN) |
7. | Epipactis pontica Taubenheim, Orchidaceae | Vulnerable(VU) |
8. | Haberlea rhodopensis Friv., Gesneriaceae | Vulnerable(VU) |
9. | Lathraea rhodopea Dingler, Scrophulariaceae | Vulnerable(VU) |
10. | Lilium rhodopaeum Delip., Liliaceae | Vulnerable(VU) |
11. | Minuartia saxifraga (Friv.) Graebner subsp. saxifraga , Caryophyllaceae | Vulnerable(VU) |
12. | Neottia cordata (L.) Rich., Orchidaceae | Vulnerable (VU) |
13. | Sedum stefco Stef., Crassulaceae | Near Threatened (NT) |
14. | Soldanella rhodopaea F. K. Mey., Primulaceae | Near Threatened (NT) |
15. | Spiraea chamaedryfolia L., Rosaceae | Near Threatened (NT) |
Inventory and monitoring of Grey Alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench subsp. incana)
The Grey Alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench subsp. incana) is mentioned at the Red Data Book of Greece (2010) as near threatened. In Greece its expansion is confined at the West Rodopi at five locations which all belong to the Natura 2000 network.
In this action there will be mapping and inventory of the subpopulations of the subspecies and analyze of the structure of the cluster. Also there will be an estimation of negative effects and proposals for sustainable management and protection. In selected areas there will be placed sample surfaces which will be installed permanently so there will be measurements over time.
Inventory and monitoring of the Macedonian Pine (Pinus peuce Griseb.)
The Macedonian Pine (Pinus peuce Griseb.) is an endemic Balkan species, very rare in Greece and a significant population of it, can be found on the Rodopi Mountain Range and on mountain Voras.
This action aims to the inventory and analysis of the population, its cluster structure, its regeneration, the dynamic of its population, the features of its growth, the habitat in which it dwells (soil, climate, biotic affects etc), the threats etc. There will be placed permanent sample surfaces, in selected areas so it will be possible to perform measurements over time.
Satellite tracking of environmental parameters
The MBRMRNP has the ability of surveillance of the RMRNP through a satellite tracking system which is monitoring environmental parameters, forest fires and other natural hazards. With this system the MBRMRNP is aiming at the overtime recording of the status and of the evolution of the ecosystems and of the species which dwells in them, the land use, and of the human activities which are taking place within the RMRNP. The data collection which will come up through this system will be essential for the conduction of an appropriate management plan and the application of policies and decisions which must be taken.
The satellite tracking system apart of the surveillance is also a useful management tool which can make estimations about which region is more vulnerable to be exposed at a natural hazard (flood, fire, earthquake, landslides etc). Particularly for the regions which are recently burnt, with rich vegetation, with high precipitation and intense erosion, the satellite tracking system can produce estimations of possible interventions for risk mitigation.
Supply and disposal of electric fences
The RMRNP, as it is mentioned before, is inhabited by permanent residents whose main occupation is farming, livestock farming and beekeeping. It is an often and natural phenomenon the properties of those people to be exposed to attacks from wild animals. The MBRMRNP in order to maintain equilibrium between the human activities and the wild nature, and to prevent anthropogenic mortality of wild animals, has been supplied with low voltage electric fences which are disposed to the residents of the region, so their properties will be protected.