- Hits: 10035
The Invertebrate family consists one of the biggest family inside the animal‘s kingdom with over 1.000.000 species all over the world. In Greece there are recorded 27.000 species from which the 4.000 are endemics and it is estimated that there are more species which have not yet been traced. Their main characteristics are that they lack a notochord or a spinal column (as their Latin name also indicates) and they have a vast diversity.
One of the numerous, in species, phylum of the Invertebrates are the Mollusks (ex. Snails) and the Arthropods. At the Arthropod phylum there are many classes like the Arachnid (ex. spiders, scorpions, mites etc.), the Crustaceans (ex. crabs, shrimps, etc.), the Millipedes (ex. centipedes etc.), the Insects etc.
The biggest and the most various class of the Invertebrates and of the whole animal kingdom, are the Insects, where until now it counts 1.1 million recorded species. Their body is consisted of three parts (head, thorax and abdomen) and they are characterized by three main variations, a) they have external mouthparts, b) three pairs of legs and c) usually they have two pairs of wings at their thoracic area. Some of them have one pair or none.
Some of the biggest classes of the Insects are the Hymenoptera (ex. wasps, bees, ants etc), the Coleoptera (ex. beetles, etc), the Diptera (ex, mosquitos, flies etc.) and the Ledidoptera (ex. butterflies, moths, etc).
The Lepidoptera have two membranous wings which are covered with overlapping scales which variegate in size, shape and color. Also they have mouthparts with the form of sucking tube.
The Rodopi Mountain Range is one of the most significant biotopes of Greece for the Lepidoptera. Particularly in the RMRNP there are 180 species of Lepidoptera from the 235 which have been recorded in whole Greece. Many of them are endemic of the Rodopi Mountain Range and the mountain Falakro and they are referred to the The Red Data Book of Greece as vulnerable.
Following there is an indicative table of the Invertebrates of the RMRNP:
Lepidoptera of the Rodopi Mountain Range National Park (RMRNP) and conservation status |
No |
IUCN Red List |
Papilionidae |
1 |
Iphiclides podalirius L. |
2 |
Papilio machaon L. |
3 |
Zerynthia polyxena Denis & Schiffermüller |
II |
IV |
4 |
Allancastria cerisyi Godart |
5 |
Parnassius apollo L. |
VU |
II |
II |
IV |
6 |
Parnassius mnemosyne L. |
II |
IV |
Pieridae |
7 |
Aporia crataegi L. |
8 |
Pieris brassicae L. |
9 |
Pieris rapae L. |
10 |
Pieris ergane Geyer |
11 |
Pieris mannii Mayer |
12 |
Pieris napi L. |
13 |
Pontia edusa Fabricius |
14 |
(Pontia chloridice Hübner |
EN |
15 |
Euchloe ausonia Hubner |
16 |
Anthocharis cardamines L. |
17 |
Colias crocea Geoffroy |
18 |
Colias alfacariensis Ribbe |
19 |
Colias erate Esper |
20 |
Gonepteryx rhamni L. |
21 |
Gonepteryx cleopatra L. |
22 |
Leptidea sinapis L./( Leptidea reali Reissinger) |
23 |
Leptidea duponcheli Staudinger |
Riodinidae |
24 |
Hamearis lucina L. |
Libytheidae |
25 |
Libythea celtis Fuessli |
Lycaenidae |
26 |
Thecla betulae L. |
27 |
Neozephyrus quercus L. |
28 |
Satyrium acaciae Fabricius |
29 |
Satyrium ilicis Esper |
30 |
Satyrium w-album Knoch |
31 |
Satyrium pruni L. (syn. Strymonidia prumi L.) |
32 |
Satyrium spini Denis & Schiffermüller |
33 |
Callophrys rubi L. |
34 |
Lycaena phlaeas L. |
35 |
Lycaena dispar Haworth (Distributed only in N. Greece) |
VU |
LR(nt) |
II |
36 |
Lycaena virgaureae L. |
37 |
Heodes (Lycaena) alciphron Rottemburg |
38 |
(Lycaena ottomanus Lefèbvre) |
VU |
39 |
Lycaena tityrus Poda |
40 |
Lycaena thersamon Esper |
41 |
Lycaena candens Herrich-Schäffer |
42 |
Lampides boeticus L. |
43 |
Leptotes pirithous L. |
44 |
Cupido decoloratus Staudinger(Distributed mostly in the RMRNP) |
45 |
Cupido alcetas Hoffmannsegg |
46 |
Cupido argiades Pallas (Distributed mostly in the borders of the RMRNP) |
47 |
Cupido minimus Fuessly |
48 |
Cupido osiris Meigen |
49 |
Celastrina argiolus L. |
50 |
Glaucopsyche alexis Poda |
51 |
Maculinea rebeli Hirschke |
52 |
Maculinea arion L. (syn. Phengaris arion L.) |
LR(nt) |
II |
IV |
53 |
Iolana iolas Ochsenheimer |
54 |
Pseudophilotes vicrama Moore |
55 |
Scolitantides orion Pallas |
56 |
Plebeius pylaon Fischer-Waldheim |
57 |
Plebeius argus L. |
58 |
Plebeius idas L. |
59 |
Plebeius argyrognomon Bergsträsser |
60 |
Aricia agestis Denis & Schiffermüller |
61 |
Aricia artaxerxes Fabricius |
62 |
Aricia eumedon Esper |
63 |
Aricia anteros Freyer |
64 |
Polyommatus semiargus Rottemburg |
65 |
Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) admetus Esper |
66 |
Polyommatus aroaniensis Brown |
LC |
67 |
Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) eleniae Coutsis & dePrins (Distributed only in RMRNP) |
EN |
DD |
68 |
Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) ripartii Freyer |
69 |
Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) dantchenkoi Lukhtanov & Wiemers (Distributed only in the RMRNP) |
70 |
Polyommatus nephohiptamenos Brown et Coutsis (Distributed only in the RMRNP) |
NT |
71 |
Polyommatus daphnis Denis et Schiffermüller |
72 |
Polyommatus coridon Poda |
LC |
73 |
Polyommatus bellargus Rottemburg |
74 |
Polyommatus escheri Hübner |
75 |
Polyommatus amanda Schneider |
76 |
Polyommatus thersites Cantener |
77 |
Polyommatus dorylas Denis et Schiffermüller |
78 |
Polyommatus eroides Frivaldszky |
II, IV |
79 |
Polyommatus icarus Rottemburg |
80 |
Polyommatus andronicus Coutsis & Gavalas (Distributed only in the RMRNP) |
EN |
Nymphalidae |
81 |
Apatura iris L. |
82 |
Apatura metis Freyer |
II |
IV |
83 |
Limenitis populi Freyer (Distributed in the RMRNP and in another region in Greece) |
VU |
84 |
Limenitis camilla L. (Distributed only in the RMRNP) |
VU |
85 |
Limenitis reducta Staudinger |
86 |
Neptis sappho Pallas |
VU |
87 |
Neptis rivularis Scopoli |
VU |
88 |
Nymphalis xanthomelas Denis & Schiffermüller |
VU |
89 |
Nymphalis polychloros L. |
90 |
Nymphalis antiopa L. |
91 |
Aglais io L. |
92 |
Vanessa atalanta L. |
93 |
Vanessa cardui L. |
94 |
Aglais urticae L. |
95 |
Polygonia c-album L. |
96 |
Polygonia egea Cramer |
97 |
Araschnia levana L. |
98 |
Argynnis pandora Denis & Schiffermüller |
99 |
Argynnis paphia L. |
100 |
Argynnis niobe L. |
101 |
Argynnis aglaja L. |
102 |
Argynnis adippe Denis & Schiffermüller |
103 |
Issoria lathonia L. |
104 |
Brenthis hecate Denis & Schiffermüller |
105 |
Brenthis daphne Denis & Schiffermüller |
106 |
Boloria graeca Staudinger |
107 |
Boloria euphrosyne L. |
108 |
Boloria (Clossiana) dia L. |
109 |
Melitaea cinxia L. |
110 |
Melitaea phoebe Denis & Schiffermüller |
111 |
Melitaea didyma Esper |
112 |
Melitaea trivia Denis & Schiffermüller |
113 |
Melitaea athalia Rottemburg |
114 |
Melitaea aurelia Nickerl |
115 |
Euphydryas (Eurodryas, Hypodryas) aurinia Rottembourgh |
II |
II |
Satyridae |
116 |
Melanargia larissa Geyer |
117 |
Melanargia galathea L. |
118 |
Hipparchia fagi Scopoli |
NT |
119 |
Hipparchia syriaca Staudinger |
120 |
Hipparchia senthes Fruhstorfer |
121 |
Hipparchia delattini Kudrna |
122 |
Hipparchia statilinus Hufnagel |
LC |
123 |
Hipparchia fatua Freyer |
124 |
Chazara briseis L. |
125 |
Pseudochazara orestes deVries & van der Poorten |
EN |
VU |
126 |
Pseudochazara anthelea Hübner (References by L.N.Pamperis) |
127 |
Satyrus ferula Fabricius |
128 |
Minois dryas Scopoli (Distributed only in one - two regions in Greece inlcuding the RMRNP) |
VU |
129 |
Brintesia circe Fabricius |
130 |
Arethusana arethusa Denis & Schiffermüller |
131 |
Erebia ligea L. |
132 |
Erebia euryale Esper |
133 |
Erebia aethiops Esper (Distributed only in the RMRNP) |
VU |
134 |
Erebia medusa Denis & Schiffermüller |
135 |
Erebia ottomana Herrich-Schãffer |
136 |
Erebia cassioides Hohenwarth |
CR |
LC |
137 |
Erebia oeme Hübner (Distributed in the RMRNP and in another region in Greece) |
VU |
138 |
Erebia melas Herbst |
LC |
139 |
Erebia rhodopensis Nicholl (Distributed mostly in the bulgarian part of the Rodopi Mountain Range and with a strong possibility to be found in the greek part too) |
EN |
LC |
140 |
Maniola jurtina L. |
141 |
Hyponephele lupina Costa |
142 |
Hyponephele lycaon Kühn |
143 |
Aphantopus hyperantus L. |
144 |
Pyronia tithonus L. |
145 |
Pyronia cecilia Vallantin |
146 |
Coenonympha pamphilus L. |
147 |
Coenonympha arcania L. |
148 |
Coenonympha leander Esper |
149 |
Coenonympha glycerion Borkhausen (Distributed only in the RMRNP) |
VU |
150 |
Coenonympha rhodopensis Elwes (Distributed in the RMRNP and in another region in Greece) |
LC |
151 |
Pararge aegeria L. |
152 |
Lasiommata megera L. |
153 |
Lasiommata maera L. |
154 |
Lasiommata petropoliotana Fabricius |
155 |
Kirinia roxelana Cramer |
Hesperiidae |
156 |
Pyrgus malvae L. |
157 |
Pyrgus alveus Hübner |
158 |
Pyrgus armoricanus Oberthür |
159 |
Pyrgus serratulae Rambur |
160 |
Pyrgus sidae Esper |
161 |
Pyrgus cinarae Rambur |
162 |
Pyrgus carthami Hübner |
163 |
Spialia orbifer Hübner |
164 |
Carcharodus alceae Esper |
165 |
Carcharodus orientalis Reverdin |
166 |
Carcharodus lavatherae Esper |
167 |
Carcharodus flocciferus Zeller |
168 |
Erynnis tages L. |
169 |
Erynnis marloyi Boisduval (References by L.N.Pamperis) |
170 |
Carterocephalus palaemon Pallas (Distributed only in the RMRNP) |
VU |
171 |
Thymelicus acteon Rottemburg |
172 |
Thymelicus lineola Ochsenheimer |
173 |
Thymelicus sylvestris Poda |
174 |
Hesperia comma L. |
175 |
Ochlodes sylvanus Esper |
- Lazaros N. Pamperis (2009). Butterflies of Greece (2nd edition). Pamperis Publication. Larisa:pp 766 |
- Lazaros N. Pamperis (2010). Butterflies of Greece (unpublished data) |
- Legakis, A., & Maragou, P. (2009). The Red Data Book of threatened animal species of Greece. Hellenic Zoological Society, Athens. |
- ANASTASSIU, H. T.: First recort of Clossiana selene in Greece (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Phegea 40 (1) (01.III.2012):15-16. |
- van Oorschot, H. and J. Coutsis: The Genus Melitaea Fabricius, 1807 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Nymphalinae), Taxonomy and systematics with special reference to the male genitalia, Tsikolovets Publications, 2014. |
- Lazaros N. Pamperis. Butterflies of Greece, the book. 2nd edition has been modified and data has been added. There is also an application (for Anroid, Windows and iOS) free for download in Google Play, in Windows Store and in App Store (January 2017). |
Glossary for the table of Lepidoptera |
Red List of Threatened species of Greece / IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: |
CR: Critically Endangered |
ΕΝ : Endangered |
VU: Vulnerable |
ΝΤ: Near Threatened |
LC: Least Concern |
DD: Data Deficient |
ΝΕ: Not Evaluated |
Bern Convention: |
II : Appendix II (Strictly protected fauna species) |
III : Appendix III (Protected fauna species) |
Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC: |
II : Annex II (Animal and Plant species of community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation) |
IV: Annex IV (Animal and Plant species of community interest in need of strict protection) |
V: Annex V (Animal and Plant species of community interest whose taking in the wild and exploitation may be subject to management measures) |
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) |
II : Appendix II (Strictly protected fauna species) |
III : Appendix III (Protected fauna species) |