- Hits: 9508
Αt the rivers, the streams and the reservoirs of the RMNP there are dwelling 11 native species of ichthyofauna and 9 imported*.
The majority of the native species belongs at the family of Cyprinidae. In flowing water there are significant populations of Orpheus Chub (Squalius orpheus Kottelat & Economidis) and the Strumica Barbel (Barbus strumicae Karaman) and in lakes there are big populations of the Strymon Spirlin (Alburnoides strymonicus Chichkoff) and the European Perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). The last ones where settled gradually with the transform, in these particular places, of the river environment, with the flowing water, to reservoirs. Inside the park can be also found the Nestos Trout (Salmo macedonicus Karaman, syn. Salmo macrostigma Duméril), which according to the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC is endemic and it needs to be under protection.
* Final technical report of the subproject “Inventory and study of the fish fauna of the River Nestos and actions for the protection of the fish fauna reserves in the ecosystem” Fisheries Research Institute
Following there is an indicative table of the Ichthyofauna of the RMRNP:
Fish Fauna of the Rodopi Mountain-Range National Park (RMNP) and conservation status |
No |
IUCN Red List |
Balitoridae |
1 |
Oxynoemacheilus bureschi Drensky |
Strymon stone loach |
LC |
LC |
Cobitidae |
2 |
Cobitis strumicae Karaman (syn. Cobitis taenia L.) |
Thracian Spined loach |
LC |
LC |
II |
Cyprinidae |
3 |
Alburnoides strymonicus Chichkoff (syn. Alburnoides bipunctatus Bloch) |
Strymon spirlin |
LC |
LC |
4 |
Barbus strumicae Karaman (syn. Barbus meridionalis non Risso)(x) |
Strumica barbel |
LC |
LC |
II, IV |
5 |
Chondrostoma vardarense Karaman(syn. Chondrostoma nasus Drensky) |
Vardar nase |
LC |
ΝΤ |
6 |
EN |
EN |
7 |
Rhodeus amarus Bloch (syn. Rhodeus sericeus amarus Berg)(x) |
Bitterling |
LC |
LC |
II |
8 |
Squalius orpheus Kottelat & Economidis(syn. Squalius cf macedonicus ) |
Orpheus chub |
LC |
LC |
Salmonidae |
9 |
Salmo macedonicus Karaman (syn. Salmo macrostigma Duméril)(x) |
Nestos trout |
DD |
DD |
II |
Centrarchidae |
10 |
Lepomis gibbosus L. |
Pumpkinseed |
ΝΕ |
Cyprinidae |
11 |
Alburnus alburnus L. * |
Bleak |
LC |
LC |
12 |
Carassius gibelio Bloch * (syn. Carassius auratus gibelio Drensky) |
Prussian carp |
LC |
13 |
Cyprinus carpio L. * |
Common carp |
LC |
VU |
14 |
Gobio bulgaricus Drensky * |
Aegean gudgeon |
LC |
LC |
15 |
Pseudorasbora parva Temminck & Schlegel |
Stone moroko |
LC |
Percidae |
16 |
Perca fluviatilis L. |
European perch |
LC |
Salmonidae |
17 |
Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum |
Rainbow trout |
ΝΕ |
Cyprinidae |
18 |
Rutilus rutilus L. | Roach | LC | LC | ||
19 |
Scardinius erythrophthalmus L. | Common rudd | ||||
20 |
Tinca tinca L. | Tench | ||||
(x) = widespread endemic species |
* species that have been transferred from similar ecosystems |
- NATURA 2000 |
- Legakis, A., & Maragou, P. (2009). The Red Data Book of threatened animal species of Greece. Hellenic Zoological Society, Athens. |
- Hellenic Ministry for the Environment Physical Planning & Public Works (H.M.E.P.P.P.W.), (2002). Special Environmental Study (S.E.S.) of the Rodopi Mountain-Range. [The file folder and content of the S.E.S. is based on the compilation and evaluation of the studies Tsiaoussi et. al. 1996 (Specific Management Plan for the site Periochi Elatia (GR1140003). Greek Biotope-Wetland Centre), Christoforidou et. al. 1998 (Special Environmental Study of Frakto - Haidou Koula and Surrounding Peaks. Prefecture of Drama) and Gatzogiannis et. al. 1999 (Special Environmental Study of the Rodopi region. Project LIFE- NATURE, ARCTOS (Phase II)/ LIFE96 NAT/GR/003222) and has been approved by the 186837/3275/25.9.2006 decision of the General Secretariat for Environment of the H.M.E.P.P.P.W.]. Vol. A & B. Athens: pp 513. |
- Economidis P.S., M. Koutrakis, A. Apostolou, M. Vassilev & L. Pehlivanov (Eds.), 2009. Atlas of RIiver Nestos Fish Fauna. Prefectural Authority of Drama-Kavala-Xanthi, NAGREF - Fisheries Research Institute and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Kavala, Greece, pp. 181. |
- Fisheries Research Institute. M.Koutrakis, G. Sylaios, N. Kamidis, D. Markou, A. Sapounidis, P. Leontarakis, D. Lahouvaris & P.S. Economidis (2008). INTERFISH: Inventory and study of the fish fauna of the River Nestos and actions for the protection of the fish fauna reserves in the ecosystem |
Glossary for the table of Fish Fauna |
Red List of Threatened species of Greece / IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: |
CR: Critically Endangered |
ΕΝ : Endangered |
VU: Vulnerable |
ΝΤ: Near Threatened |
LC: Least Concern |
DD: Data Deficient |
ΝΕ: Not Evaluated |
Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC: |
II : Annex II (Animal and Plant species of community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation) |
IV: Annex IV (Animal and Plant species of community interest in need of strict protection) |
V: Annex V (Animal and Plant species of community interest whose taking in the wild and exploitation may be subject to management measures) |
Bern Convention: |
II : Appendix II (Strictly protected fauna species) |
III : Appendix III (Protected fauna species) |